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Tuesday, August 18

Welcome! Why I Started This Blog!


My name is Katie Tigges, a senior public relations major and library employee since September 2007. This year, as an ongoing project, I will update Central Washington University campuses on current library events, new materials that arrive weekly as well as providing special articles on how to better navigate the library.

Students and professors may direct their questions (concerning library matters) to the reference desk located on the first floor of Brooks Library. As a second option faculty and students may reference this blog when they have a question concerning the Summit Library, Inter-Library Loan (ILL), Special Collections, recent periodicals, etc. Informative posts will also be included from library specialists concerning materials that can be found in Brooks Library.

My goal is to keep Central Washington University's patrons informed. Through this blog as well as both twitter and facebook accounts everyone should get all the important details needed to better navigate the library.

Thank you for your support!